Hi Amazing,
It's funny your fomer colleague should have put it that way because I used almost identical language to my mother (a diehard dub of 27 years) just the other week.
She was lamenting, albeit in a roundabout way because I have very little tolerance for her attempts to witness to me, that it was 'so sad' that we were missing out on 'so much' by not being part of the nightmare that is belonging to the Watchtower Religion.
I flipped and said "No Mum, it is YOU who is missing out on so much! Your Grandchildrens' christmas and Birthadays, all their school activites that your weird religion finds so offensive and every other facet of our lives that has become objectionable to you since we left the 'truth'. In fact every family occassion that is NORMAL to most people you and stepdad seem to want no part of simply because you are enslaved to that cult."
"But" I said "what is sadder is that one day, maybe 10, 20 or if you live that long 30 years from now when your very old and at the end of your life, you will wake up and realise you have given your best years to a religion that means nothing, and worse you will have sacrificed just about every family relationship that most people hold dear as well as missing out on just about every family occassion you could have been part of, on the alter of a meaningless man made religion. Believe me, one day your religion will fail you and you are very lucky to have family there who will be forgiving enough to help you pick up the pieces. You've been banging on peoples doors since 1974 telling them the end is imminent. You were told myself and my brother would never finish Primary School much less Secondary then go out to get jobs. I'm now the father with 3 children, life has moved on and in 20 years i will very much look forward to being a Grandfather. But for now I am content just enjoying my kids growing up and denying them nothing."
She looked totally shocked because I have never been so blunt with her. Whilst I was warming to my subject I further added: "At least I will know, that 50 or so years from now when I approach the end of my life, i will have given my kids EVERY opportunity that I am capable of and will look back with great joy and contentment on the very ordinary everyday things that is being a family. Something you very much have lost sight of. You say you live in constant hope we will return to 'the truth'. Never!!! I on the other hand hope you will wake up and smell what your in before I am organising your funeral."
Needless to say that shut her up. She'll think twice before attempting to lecture me again. But I do totally agree with your former colleagues sentiments Amazing; Their 'Little Jehovah' constantly fails them, it's just whether they have the ability to eventually see it is the problem.
Thanks for sharing